
And so this year i'm spending, well technically celebrating, my birthday in Seattle.

Since well havent i had a "proper" birthday? idk. I remember one burning oil running stat models; one at tech with gt gang though missing the one i wanted to see the most; one at kaohsiung which mom and sis forced me go get an 85c birthday cake and i finished myself; one with my pathetic roommates in cheesecake factory, listening to how they compliment each other on their skin conditions (during when i was having a breakout); one back in colleague when i received a sad gift from those not so clse friends; one back in high school when i got a small cake but with the most number of people together; one which i had dinner at downtown san jose with a guy that i thought i might spend another 6years which ended terribly to be 6months. Not many pleasant memories.

This year signifies one of the most important, that i've reached another 10 years of nothing done :'( and another good record set to be lying to everyone that i'm doing perfectly fine.






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